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The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah: We are not afraid of American threats/we are ready for direct war with America and the Zionists

PNN – The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah considered the Americans to be accomplices of Zionist crimes against the Palestinian nation and said: The Americans have been accomplices of the Zionists in their crimes since the very first moment of aggression against the Gaza Strip.

According to the report of the International group of Pakistan News Network, Seyyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah, said: For 75 years, the Zionist enemy has continued its aggression against the Palestinian nation in the Gaza Strip and has committed the most heinous crimes.

He added: The Zionist enemy is targeting the Palestinian nation with any means, including brutal killing, starving, encirclement and preventing food and medicine.

Referring to the attacks of the Zionist regime on Palestinian hospitals in Gaza, the leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah said: The enemy army made Gaza hospitals the main and obvious target of its ground attacks and announced an unprecedented military attack against al-Shifa hospital and other hospitals.

Seyyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi considered the Americans to be accomplices in the crimes of the Zionists and said: The Americans have been accomplices of the Zionists in their crimes since the very first moment of the invasion of the Gaza Strip, they sent their military experts to the occupied Palestine for management and planning and equipped the Zionists with thousands of destructive bombs.

He added: The Americans equipped the Zionists with internationally prohibited weapons, financed their military operations, and sent their reconnaissance planes for intelligence assistance.

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah continued: In addition to providing all forms of military and financial aid to the Zionist regime, the Americans provided political support to this regime. The Americans warned all the countries of the region against any cooperation with the Palestinian nation and threatened them.

In this regard, he mentioned the threat of the countries of the region by the United States and said: The goal of the Americans in threatening the countries of the region is to provide sufficient conditions for the Zionists to commit crimes without anyone’s objection. Even at the level of importing food and medicine and delivering it to the Palestinian people in Gaza, nothing is imported without the agreement of the US and Israel.

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah said: “When we see the tragic scenes of thousands of women and children being killed by American bombs, as well as the severe hunger of the Palestinians, we must remember America’s complicity and complicity in all these crimes.” America is the other arm of world Zionism, which the American president is openly proud of his affiliation and affiliation with, and moves based on their approach.

Read more:

Yemen’s condition to reduce the seizure of Israeli ships

Seyyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi emphasized: Those who act in America to support Israel are the American Zionists and the Zionist lobby who manage America. The Israeli regime’s crimes against civilians in Gaza have revealed the criminal nature of the Zionists.

Referring to the American bases in the region, he said: America has turned its bases in the region into places to support the Zionist enemy and has used all of its weapons warehouses even in Arab countries to support Israel.

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah pointed out America’s opposition to the Security Council’s approval of a resolution to stop the war in Gaza and said: America opposes any resolution in the United Nations to establish a ceasefire and insists on continuing the killings and crimes in Gaza.

Seyyed Abdul Malik added: America, which presents itself as the observer of peace in the Middle East, opposes any resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza and insists on continuing to kill civilians.

He emphasized: America prevents any movement to support civilians in Palestine and prevents any effort to meet the needs of the Palestinian people in the field of food and medicine. In order for Israel to commit its crimes in Gaza, America has provided all forms of support to this regime.

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah said: America and Israel are both arms of global Zionism, which has targeted the Islamic nation and human society with its barbaric conspiracies.

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah continued: Even some European countries, including France, Italy and Germany, which have a darker and more criminal history, have supported the Zionists.

Seyyed Abdul Malik emphasized: The regimes and governments that support the Zionist regime have a very black record of committing crimes and are known for moral and value bankruptcy.

Seyyed Abdul Malik emphasized, the general position, including the position adopted at the Riyadh meeting, was weak, only the statements that made demands and everything ended after this statement.

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah continued: The nation of Yemen took military action in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea to prevent the passage of Israeli ships and ships related to Israel.

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