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Friday, September 20, 2024

The reaction of the foreign minister of the Zionist regime to Erdogan’s words at the NATO meeting

PNN – The foreign minister of the Zionist regime, in response to the words of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at the NATO meeting against this regime, said that Ankara should not be a member of this military pact.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network from Russia Elium, Yisrael Kats wrote on his personal page on X social network (former Twitter): First, it should be kept in mind that Erdogan; You are not the decision maker!

Katz also repeated the anti-Iranian statements of the Zionist officials and claimed that Turkey, as a country that supports Hamas and is the axis of Iran’s evil in the region, should not be a member of a Western alliance like NATO.

The President of Turkey had previously announced that until a comprehensive and stable peace is established in Palestine, Turkey will not support NATO’s efforts to cooperate with (the) Israeli regime.

Erdogan said: Benjamin Netanyahu’s government with its expansionist and daring policies not only endangers (the regime of) Israel, but also threatens the security of the entire region.

The President of Turkey said that in all his meetings at the NATO meeting, he called for attention to the tragedies that continue continuously in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially Gaza.

Erdoğan has also emphasized the need for international community members to work shoulder to shoulder to form two independent countries based on the 1967 borders.

In the end, he announced that Turkey has filed a petition against the Zionist regime to the International Court of Justice in The Hague together with South Africa.

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