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Friday, October 18, 2024

The response of the resistance to the assassination of “Fouad Shekar” is definite.

The response of the resistance to the assassination of “Fouad Shekar” is definite.

According to al-Mayadeen, the speech of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, began during the funeral ceremony of the martyr “Fouad Shekar”.

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah emphasized: First of all, I congratulate and offer my condolences to our brothers in the Hamas movement and the Qassam battalions on the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh’s brother. The leaders of resistance movements are martyred like the fighters of these movements. We consider ourselves a partner of the Hamas movement in the field of resistance and martyrdom, and we will achieve a definite victory.

Projection and lies of Zionists about Majdal Shams incident

He added: Targeting a residential building full of people in the neighborhood of Hareh ​​Harik, located in the southern suburbs of Beirut, resulted in the martyrdom of 7 people.

The Secretary General of Hezbollah of Lebanon stated: Fouad Shekar and an Iranian martyr were among the martyrs of this attack, along with dozens of other wounded, including women and children. What happened in the southern suburbs of Beirut was not just an assassination operation but a rape. In this attack, residential buildings and not military buildings were targeted. Since a few days before this aggression, the Zionist enemy pretended that this was a reaction; We do not accept this statement in any way.

Neutralizing the Zionist conspiracy

He further added: What happened is part of the Zionist-American war against our region. By accusing our martyr that he is the killer of the children of Majdal Shams, the Zionist regime is making the biggest lie.

He also emphasized that this is not a reaction to the events of Majdal Shams. We have previously rejected the responsibility for the incident in the Majdal Shams area and we have the courage and courage to announce if this incident happened due to our mistake. Our internal research shows that there is no connection between us and the developments in this region, and the Zionist enemy considers itself the public claimant, judge, and executioner. Raising this accusation against us is considered a cruel move to exonerate the Zionist army in this regard. The purpose of accusing the resistance about the developments of Majdal Shams is to stir up tribal sedition between the Druze and the Shiites living in the occupied Golan.

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah stated: With the help of Druze leaders’ vigilance, this sedition was nipped in the bud. I appreciate them and offer my condolences to the families of Majdal Shams martyrs.

We continue to support Palestine and Gaza

Secretary General of Hezbollah of Lebanon added: The attack on the southern suburbs of Beirut was not a reaction to the developments in Majdal Shams, but took place within the framework of the battle on the northern front. We pay for our support of Gaza and the Palestinian cause, and this is nothing new. We accept this issue and pay for it. We entered into this battle based on moral and religious principles and the rightness of this battle. We have never been and will never be surprised by the costs we pay in this battle. We are facing a big battle in which the issue of supporting fronts has gone beyond this battle. We are in a massive battle on all fronts that has entered a new phase.

Iran does not remain silent regarding the assassination of Martyr Haniyeh

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah stated: Do you think you will assassinate Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and Iran will remain silent? In the assassination of Haniyeh, Iran sees its national security and sovereignty, and most importantly, its honor, being undermined. You will cry a lot because you don’t know what red lines you have crossed. We have entered a new phase on all support fronts and the tenseness of the situation depends on the enemy’s reactions. The enemy must wait to see the anger of the free people of this nation and their desire for blood. Assassination of leaders does not affect the resistance, but experience has shown that the resistance grows larger and more powerful.

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