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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The scandal of street cameras spying on Zionist homes’

The scandal of street cameras spying on Zionist homes.

Several Hebrew-language media from the Kipa news site stated in similar reports that according to the new report of the head of Israel’s inspection agency, no specific body monitors the performance of cameras installed in the streets, and there is concern that some of these cameras violate people’s privacy.

The head of Israel’s Inspectorate, Mattanio Engelman, criticized local authorities in a report on Tuesday for the irregular installation of cameras aimed at controlling citizens on the street. He announced that he has data that shows that the number of these cameras has greatly increased.

The report emphasized that no specific body oversees the operation of these cameras, and no one knows where the information about the cameras goes. Also, the department’s research shows that some of these cameras are installed near private areas and people’s homes and violate their privacy.

In another part of this report, it is stated: that the use of CCTV cameras has increased greatly in the last 20 years; For example, in Quds, the number of these cameras has increased 47 times since the beginning of the first decade of the 21st century and has reached 3800 cameras from 80 cameras. In Beersheba, these cameras increased by 271 times during the same period, from 14 cameras to 3800 in 2024.

In Batah Tekfa, the number of these cameras has increased 42 times and reached 2820 cameras.

According to the report of the Association for Protection of Privacy (Zionist Regime), cameras should be installed in public areas and their installation should not violate people’s privacy, but based on the inspection conducted by the inspection department in Bani Barak, Carmel, Haifa, Rishon Litzion and several other places. It was found that these cameras are violating people’s privacy.

Also, in the surveys conducted in areas such as Haifa, Rishon Litsion, and Carmel, it was shown that a large number of cameras, more than 30%, can take pictures from inside people’s homes; At the same time, Bani Barak municipality has provided the images prepared by its cameras to other institutions without removing the faces of the citizens present in the place.

According to the head of Israel’s inspection department, these cameras, installed to maintain public security, are filming inside some houses and their residents.

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