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Friday, September 20, 2024

The Security Council did not approve the Russian draft resolution on Gaza

PNN – The Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations expressed his regret that the Security Council, by not approving the draft resolution proposed by Moscow regarding an immediate ceasefire in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone, has once again become a hostage to the goals of Western countries that want the war to continue.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, quoted by “Tass” news agency, the UN Security Council did not approve the draft resolution of Russia regarding the establishment of an immediate ceasefire in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone in its meeting last night.

This resolution did not receive the necessary 9 votes in favor. In addition to Russia, four countries supported it: China, UAE, Gabon and Mozambique. But this document was opposed by the United States, Britain, France and Japan. Six other member states of the Security Council – Albania, Brazil, Ghana, Malta, Switzerland and Ecuador – abstained.

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The West’s obstruction of the Russian resolution for the Gaza Strip

In the draft of this resolution, Russia proposed to the UN Security Council to demand an immediate ceasefire in the Middle East conflict zone, to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid and the necessary conditions for the evacuation of civilians from the Gaza Strip.

In addition, the Russian side condemned violence against civilians and any kind of terrorist act and also asked the conflicting parties to release the hostages.

Nebenzia: The vote on the Russian resolution showed who wants war

Vasily Nebenzia, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations after the meeting, recalled that the vote of the Security Council members regarding the draft resolution of the Middle East, which took place on October 16, was very significant and symbolic. According to him, the Council once again found itself hostage to the selfish demands of a bloc of Western delegations, which prevented it from sending a decisive collective signal aimed at reducing tension in the region.

The Russian representative also thanked the delegations that supported the resolution and noted that Moscow’s proposals are supported by many Arab and Palestinian groups, in addition to other countries.

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