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Friday, September 20, 2024

The turning point of anti-Israeli protests in American universities.

The turning point of anti-Israeli protests in American universities.

About four months ago, during the Gaza war, something special happened at Harvard University. Claudine Gay, the black president of this university, was forced to resign due to accusations of anti-Semitism and failure to curb student movements defending the people of Gaza. At that time, the American authorities wanted to convey a special message to protesting students across the country; That the president of Harvard University should not have the courage to express his opposition to the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, let alone the students whose lives and education the American government has dominated and can arrest many of them or deprive them of education at any moment! Citing this brazen approach, the American authorities attacked and threatened thousands of students simply for protesting against the bloodshed of Palestinian babies and children, and even promised to deport protesting foreign students from American soil.

The leaders of the White House thought that by removing Claudine Gay from the presidency of Harvard University, this message would be sent to the head and body of the student movement formed in America and subsequently, the path of any protest against the nature and performance of the barbaric Zionist regime and its Western supporters would be blocked. But what is happening today in American universities from Texas to California, has drawn a false line on this absurd hypothesis!

The authentic student uprising formed in America has reached its maturity stage and it cannot be stopped not only by the open and hidden lobbies of power in this country, but we will witness its extension to other parts of the West (including European countries). Perhaps, if the American authorities had taken seriously the Harvard University survey that 51% of American youth between the ages of 18 and 24 disagreed with the existence and nature of the Zionist occupation regime, they would not have witnessed this wide-ranging uprising in their country today, but the West has come to its senses very late!

The demands raised in the recent student protests in America are clear and expressive; Ending the war in Gaza and the genocide of Palestinians, severing American academic relations with the occupying regime of Jerusalem, and prosecuting the leaders of the Zionist regime and the supporters of the Gaza genocide. The recent movements in various American universities show that protesting students are serious about fulfilling these demands and are even willing to pay costs such as arrest, deprivation of education, threats and torture in this regard. The brutality of the federal police and accusing the protesting students of anti-Semitism cannot stop them from the conscious and zealous path they have taken. Undoubtedly, what is happening in American universities today is considered a turning point in the history of this country. The American authorities tried to force the students to accept the genocide of Palestinian children by criminalizing the protest against the war in Gaza, but now, they themselves have become big criminals in front of public opinion and student uprisings, and they feel the shadow of a public trial over their heads. There is not much time left until the victory of the authentic student movement defending Palestine throughout America and Europe.

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