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Friday, September 20, 2024

The warning of humanitarian organizations affiliated with the United Nations regarding the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza

PNN – Humanitarian organizations affiliated to the United Nations warned of the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza and demanded security guarantees for aid delivery in these areas.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, the humanitarian institutions affiliated to the United Nations emphasized the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza: the civilians of Gaza are in serious danger and the world is still watching.

These institutions added: the escalation of tension in Rafah will cause many casualties and will deal a severe blow to humanitarian requests.

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Emphasizing that “we must bring aid into the region from all possible crossings, including northern Gaza,” these institutions demanded security guarantees and access without any obstacles to distribute aid on a wide scale throughout Gaza.

These institutions also considered UNRWA as the backbone of humanitarian operations in Gaza and demanded the provision of resources needed by this organization for relief in Gaza.

Referring to the efforts to destroy and discredit the UN institutions, these organizations asked the world leaders to prevent a much worse disaster in Gaza.

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