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Friday, September 20, 2024

The Washington Post acknowledges the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza

PNN – The American newspaper Washington Post, acknowledging the crimes and brutality of the Zionist regime in Gaza, wrote: The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is becoming more critical day by day, as the United Nations officials warn about the increase in casualties, hunger and diseases that threaten this region.

According to Pakistan News Network the Washington Post, referring to the Zionist regime’s statement about the ceasefire agreement for the exchange of prisoners, wrote: “This four-day truce is announced while before that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that after this agreement “the war will continue”.

This American newspaper added: “So it doesn’t matter what happens in the next phase of these sentences, because nothing can compensate for the damage that these Israeli attacks have caused so far. Israel (regime) launched a campaign under the pretext of Hamas attacks. The scale, reach and level of destruction was unprecedented and killed more than 11,000 Palestinians, many of them children, in their bombings.

The Washington Post stated that the Zionist regime’s war against the Palestinians in Gaza has displaced more than two million people and wrote: The Zionist regime ordered the evacuation of residents from the north to the south in Eli, which led to the mass exodus of the terrified people of this area. Although the regime has targeted targets across Gaza, the regime’s War Minister Yoav Galant said this week that the focus of its operations may be from Gaza City in the north to Khan Yunis in the south – where the Zionists claim the main Hamas command structure may be located.

Read more:

Palestinian Ministry of Health: So far, medical aid has not reached the hospitals in northern Gaza.

According to the Washington Post, even if the war ends today, large parts of Gaza will be razed to the ground. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid reported, citing local sources in the Gaza region, that about 45 percent of Gaza’s residential units have been destroyed or seriously damaged so far. In order to understand the exact amount of damages in Gaza, it should be said that what the Zionist regime did in just a few weeks is as much as four years of conflict in Syria and the damages that were left in this country.

This media wrote: (Regime) Israel dropped thousands of ammunition daily on targets in Gaza and especially in the north of this area. The city of Beit Hanoun, which was home to more than 50,000 people, has become a ruin and there are hardly any habitable buildings left.

Satellite images show how debris has covered the streets of the once densely populated city, and researchers estimate that perhaps more than half of the buildings in northern Gaza have been destroyed.

Meanwhile, the humanitarian crisis in this region is getting worse and many Palestinians in Gaza are living in temporary camps or overcrowded centers under the administration of the United Nations, and some of them have been targeted in the bombings of the Zionist regime. Major infrastructure—from hospitals to water treatment plants and fuel depots—has been decommissioned or shut down.

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