“Triple Threat: Enemy Put on Notice for Simultaneous Attacks from All Directions”
Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, at the commemoration ceremony of Talib Sami Abdallah, one of the late commanders of Hezbollah in Lebanon, who was martyred last Wednesday in the attack of the Zionist regime’s army on the town of “Joya” in southern Lebanon, to the families of the martyrs of today and the past weeks of resistance. Islami congratulated and offered his condolences and asked Almighty God to bestow these martyrs with God’s vast mercy.
Nasrallah continued: I congratulate the family of martyr Abu Talib for getting this divine medal, and I offer my condolences for the loss of this martyr and martyrs who were companions of Hajj Abu Talib and were martyred with him.
He added: Martyrdom in the Islamic sense is a choice from God, a great salvation and a definite victory for every person who achieves it. The position of the families of the martyrs is honorable in terms of satisfaction and declaration of will and determination to continue the sacrifices.
Nasrallah continued: Martyrdom is not defeat or death. This issue is the strength of the resistance fronts and the most dangerous thing that the enemy faces is that the warriors of these fields have such culture, thought and faith. The atmosphere of resistance of this culture has faith and patience, and because of this, the flag does not fall from our hands and weakness or weakness does not penetrate among us.
He added: Martyr Abu Talib joined the resistance ranks at the age of 15 and was an ordinary fighter like other commanders. He began his remarkable career and assumed numerous positions at an early age. Martyr Abu Talib was among the groups of Hezbollah forces that defended the Sunni people of Bosnia and was present there for many years.
Nasrallah continued: Martyr Abu Talib was known for his piety, faith, morals, kindness and humility, he thought a lot about his hereafter and worked for it with a smiling face and a sad heart. He helped a lot and was very useful for his family and nation and for the resistance.
He said: Martyr Abu Talib was known for his good management, high efficiency, scientific knowledge, action, skill and experience, and high morale even in the face of difficulties. He regarded the difficulties as small, no matter how big they were, and did not give up in front of them.
Nasrallah continued: Martyr Abu Talib was rightly a man in the field and on the front line until his martyrdom, and wherever he was, he filled hearts with confidence, peace and the certainty that there is a high mountain that can be relied on, and with discernment, bravery and He trusted and believed in the victory that will be achieved in his hands.
If the events in South Lebanon had no effect, we would not hear their cries
The Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon said: The Lebanese Support Front continues its operations and inflicts financial, human, mental and psychological losses on the enemy. One of the clearest reasons for the effectiveness of the Lebanese Front is the cry we hear from the enemy commanders and the settlers. If the events in South Lebanon had no effect, we would not hear their cries.