PNN – The sharp increase in poverty and the economic crisis in the UK has led to record-breaking retail crime in the country, with the number of thefts and assaults on shop staff reaching the highest level in recent years. This crisis, which shows the deterioration of the social situation in England, has created increasing concerns about public safety and the ineffectiveness of the government’s policies in dealing with poverty.
According to the report of Pakistan News Network, the latest annual survey of the “British Retail Confederation” (BRC) shows that in the 12 months ending in April 2024, British stores suffered more than 2.2 billion pounds from the theft of goods. This figure represents an increase of 400 million pounds compared to the previous year, which is a sign of the deterioration of the situation in this sector.
The retail industry has spent £1.8 billion on security and crime prevention over the same period, but reports show that even these measures have failed to stem the rise in theft.
According to statistics, more than two thousand cases of violence and abuse against store employees have been recorded daily, which has increased by more than 50% compared to the previous year. In 70 of these attacks, the attackers used cold weapons, however, only 10% of the cases of violence and harassment led to police intervention; an issue that has brought widespread criticism to the security institutions.
Economic experts believe that the increase in retail crimes is directly related to the deterioration of economic conditions and the increase in the cost of living in England. According to reports, from April, less than 3 months away, taxes, water and energy bills and other fixed costs of living will increase drastically.
This is while food prices have increased between 10 and 15 percent in the past year and wages have not grown in line with the inflation rate. Andrew Goodman, an economic analyst in England, says in this regard: You cannot reduce poverty by increasing fines and defining a new crime. If the government seeks to reduce retail crime, it should first of all work to improve people’s living conditions.
Some experts compare this situation with the economic recession of the 1980s; the era when the rate of theft and urban crimes increased drastically due to austerity policies and reduction of social support. Also, the financial crisis of 2008 caused an increase in petty crimes, but the British government at the time was able to prevent the deterioration of the situation to some extent with support packages and increased monitoring of the labor market.
The role of the smuggling mafia in aggravating the crisis
A report by the British Retail Federation shows that 70% of shoplifting is done with the aim of reselling stolen goods on the black market.
Helen Dickinson, executive director of this union, has warned in this regard: retail criminals are out of control. Not only do store employees have to deal with constant robberies, they are also assaulted, racially slurred and even threatened with weapons. This process must be stopped.
In recent months, illegal online markets selling stolen goods have grown dramatically. Some retailers have cited platforms such as Facebook Marketplace and eBay as major channels for selling stolen goods.
Public distrust of the police
One of the main criticisms raised in the British Retail Association’s report is the lack of effective police presence in dealing with retail theft. Statistics show that only 10% of cases of violence and theft have led to police intervention, a problem that has fueled the public’s sense of insecurity.
Previous reports have shown that police budget cuts in recent years have led many security forces to deal only with larger crimes and to de-prioritize the pursuit of retail theft.
According to the current trend, many experts have warned that in 2025 the retail crisis in the UK will become more severe. Rising taxes, utility bills and continued inflation are expected to push more citizens into the black market and retail-related crimes.
Meanwhile, the British Retail Federation has predicted that store security costs will increase this year, which could push up the price of goods for customers and put more pressure on British households.
Although the British government has promised to deal with this crisis, the evidence shows that without fundamental changes in economic policies and curbing the fall in livelihoods, the cycle of poverty, crime and insecurity in this country will intensify and England will lead to a wider social crisis.