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“Understanding Iran’s power to Israel”; the key phrase of the Arab media in reflecting the statements of the leader of the revolution

PNN – The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution‘s speech at the meeting of thousands of honorable families of security martyrs had a wide reflection in the Arabic media and his statements about the need to understand the power of Iran to the Zionist regime were the main focus of these media approaches.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, Qatar’s “Al Jazeera” channel gave a serious and momentary reflection of the revolutionary leader’s statements and highlighted his emphasis on the need to make enemies understand the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Al Jazeera reported, quoting the Leader of the Revolution: Some people think in various analyzes that if we want the country to be safe, we should not go for tools that sensitize the powers; For example, why is it necessary for us to have missiles with a certain range so that they become sensitive? They think that in this way, in this way, they can ensure the security of the country; That is, in fact, if you want the country to be safe, be weak, do not provide yourself with the tools of power, some people think this way, judge this way, this is wrong.

The speech of the supreme leader of the revolution, in addition to the social networks and media of many Arab countries, the special attention of the Lebanese media, and at the top of them, the “Al-Ahed” news network, “Al-Manar” network, “Al-Mayadin” news network, “Al-Nashre” news network, and also the media It followed Saudi-affiliated sources such as “Al-Arabiya” and “Al-Hadith”.

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The Lebanese media also highlighted the speech of the supreme leader about Iran’s military power and the need to make it known to the Zionist regime.

Al-Manar channel quoted Ayatollah Khamenei and wrote: What maintains security for a country is its national strength, its strength, being strong in all directions; being strong in science, being strong in the economy, being strong in the possibility of defense, being strong in weapons, these are the things that maintain and ensure the security of the country.

Al-Manar also reported: In his speech, Imam Khamenei said, referring to the evil movement of the Zionist regime two nights ago: They exaggerate what happened for some purpose, but it is also wrong to downplay this incident and say it was not a big deal.

The Ahed news website also quoted the statements of the Supreme Leader and wrote: Whenever we turned away from the tools of power due to the bad policy of the rulers of our country, the enemy dominated us; During the Qajar era, the Pahlavi era of this calamity happened to this nation; They did not make the nation strong; Therefore, you can see that in World War I and World War II, neither of which was related to Iran, they declared neutrality, and our country was occupied.

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Iraqi media also gave a special coverage of Ayatollah Khamenei’s statements in the meeting with thousands of respected families of security martyrs.

Iraqi “Al-Ahed” news channel quoted Imam Khamenei and wrote: The calculation error of the Zionist regime must be corrected, and the officials must recognize the quality of understanding the power and will of the Iranian nation to the Zionist regime.

“Baghdad Al-Youm” network also reported: Ayatollah Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, emphasized in the gathering of the families of security martyrs: They have miscalculations about Iran because they do not know Iran, the youth and the Iranian nation, and they have not yet been able to properly understand the power, ability, initiative and determination of the Iranian nation, which we must explain to them.

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The Iraqi “Sumaria News” channel also quoted this part of the revolutionary leader’s statements and wrote: “Security is the foundation of all the means and ways of progress of the country and the nation, and the value of the life preservers of security and the proud martyrs of this field in the police force, Basij, IRGC, army and intelligence collections, must be understood of the irreplaceable importance and value of security.”

The Saudi networks “Al-Arabiya” and “Al-Hadath” also covered the statements of the Supreme Leader.

Al-Arabiya channel reported about this: The leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in his first reaction to Israel’s attack on Iran, said: “Israel’s evil two nights ago should neither be magnified nor belittled.”

These two networks highlighted the Leader of the Revolution’s statements about the need to make the enemies understand the authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran and quoted the sentence “Israel’s calculation error must be corrected and they must be made to understand the strength, will and initiative of the Iranian nation and the country’s youth.”

This morning, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with thousands of respected families of security martyrs, called these martyrs among the top martyrs of the righteous path and emphasized the basic importance of security in all the affairs of society and in various aspects of people’s lives: Only a strong Iran can provide and guarantee the security and progress of the country and the nation; Therefore, Iran should become stronger day by day in all economic-scientific-political-defense and management aspects.

Ayatollah Khamenei also referred to the continuous actions of the evil Zionist regime in committing the most brutal war crimes in Gaza and Lebanon, and called for the formation of a “global coalition” against this evil regime, and referring to the evil move of the Zionist regime two nights ago, he added: Regarding this mistake they made, they magnify themselves with specific goals, but it is also wrong to belittle it and to say that it was nothing and was not important.

The Leader of the Revolution emphasized the need to destroy the miscalculations of the Zionist regime about Iran and said: They have miscalculations about Iran because they do not know Iran, the youth and the Iranian nation, and they have not yet been able to properly understand the power, ability, initiative and determination of the Iranian nation, which we must explain to them.

Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized: Of course, the quality of the work must be recognized correctly by our officials and they should do what is in the best interests of this country and the nation, so that they understand who the Iranian nation is and what its youth are like.

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