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Friday, September 20, 2024

Why is the UN resolution supporting Palestine important?

PNN – The UN General Assembly passed a draft resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. Although this resolution is non-binding, the recent action is important and can be evaluated from several dimensions.

The UN General Assembly adopted a draft resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and an end to hostilities in Gaza. This resolution in support of Palestine was approved with 120 votes in favor, 14 against and 45 abstentions. Although this resolution is non-binding, the recent action is important and can be evaluated from several dimensions.

The United Nations has two pillars, the General Assembly and the Security Council. The Security Council can order coercive action and even its resolutions are binding at the international level; the duties and powers given by the Charter to the General Assembly are not limited to discussion, review, initiation of research and making recommendations, and [its resolutions] are not merely encouraging. In the past, for example, in 1950, when the Security Council was deadlocked over the Korean issue due to the threat of a veto by the former Soviet Union, the General Assembly authorized “executive actions” – such as the authorization to form a “coalition of the willing”.

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Gaza, more ruined than Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Or in 1973, the General Assembly passed Resolution 3151, during which it announced South Africa’s apartheid regime did not have the right to represent the people of South Africa and recognized the liberation movements recognized by the Organization of African Unity as “the true representatives of the overwhelming majority of the people of South Africa”.

In fact, the General Assembly can use its so-called “non-binding” recommendations to mobilize the international community to set deadlines, divest from Israel, implement arms embargoes, end cooperation in sports, bar Israel from world meetings, or any combination of these should be used if this genocidal campaign continues.

This proposed resolution, which was presented by Jordan on behalf of Arab countries under the title “Protecting civilians and adhering to legal and humanitarian obligations”, can have psychological, political, diplomatic and propaganda effects against Israel. And in fact, the message of this meeting is that the nations of the world have put pressure on their governments to defend the innocent people of Gaza, so that a country like France, which has always been a supporter of the Zionist regime in the international arena, votes positively for this resolution.

But the point that should be pointed out is that we should not expect the proposed resolution to be a basis for stopping the Zionist regime’s attacks on Gaza, and it is more important than the aspect of propaganda and pressure against Israel. The proof of this claim is that immediately hours after this meeting, the Zionist regime’s fighters started ground operations with non-stop attacks on different areas of the Gaza Strip, which was accompanied by the resistance of the resistance fighters.

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