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Tuesday, April 1, 2025

“Yahya Al-Sinwar”: A great mujahid who inspired young people to fight.

“Yahya Al-Sinwar”: A great mujahid who inspired young people to fight.

In part of his message following the martyrdom of the heroic fighter, martyr commander Yahya al-Sinwar, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized to the Muslim nations and the brave youth of the region: “Someone like him, who has spent his life fighting the usurper and oppressor enemy, has no end other than his worthy martyrdom. His loss is certainly painful for the resistance front, but this front did not stop moving forward with the martyrdom of prominent figures such as Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, Fathi Shaqaqi, Rantisi, and Ismail Haniyeh, and it will not be stopped in the slightest with the martyrdom of Sinwar; God willing. Hamas is alive and will remain alive.”

Ayatollah Khamenei’s emphasis on Hamas’s survival was a direct response to some claims and mentalities regarding the weakening of Hamas after the martyrdom of its three major leaders in the past year (al-Arouri, Haniyeh, and Sinwar). After the martyrdom of the Mujahid and the exceptional commander of the Gaza resistance, some suggested that a major blow had been dealt to Hamas, but a simple review of the developments in Palestine shows that their claim is absurd and false.

The monotheistic man is inspiring

One of the aspects that great men leave behind after their epic and martyrdom-like loss is their inspiration. In the monotheistic and Islamic resistance perspective, these are the figures who consider themselves students of schools and are not afraid of death. Martyr Yahya Sinwar says about this perspective: “The issue is a matter of thought and school, not a personal issue.”

The lack of understanding of the inspiration of schools is evident in the literature and even media decisions of the Zionist regime. The publication of images of Yahya Sinwar on a sofa with a headscarf around his neck and throwing sticks at a Zionist drone is an example of this lack of understanding of inspiration; otherwise, they would never have published such a documentary about the moment of Sinwar’s death.

But after releasing the pictures, they realized too late that Yahya Sinwar had become a role model. The Hebrew media report showed that there was a lot of dissatisfaction in the media in the occupied territories regarding the release of pictures of Sinwar’s assassination, which showed that he fought until his last breath.

According to a Hebrew media report, everyone in Israel was shocked by the presence of the head of Hamas in such an area that conflicted with the Israeli army. The fact that Sinwar went from a safe place (central Gaza Strip) to Rafah, the conflict zone, surprised everyone, and the political and security levels were shocked by the audacity of this man! This view and perception is due to the lack of understanding of the school and the inspiration of the elders of this school throughout history. A clear example of this is Karbala’s incident, where blood triumphed over the sword. A few centuries later, Yahya Sinwar, a disciple of Khalaf of that school, wrote in his confidential letters to his fellow soldiers: “We must continue on the path we have started or let a new Karbala happen.”

If a leader is absent from us, another leader will arise

The second element that proves to us that the martyrdom of the resistance leaders will not bring about the end of Hezbollah and Hamas is the review of history. In his last meeting with Ayatollah Khamenei, martyr Ismail Haniyeh recited a verse of poetry: “If a great one of us dies, another great one will replace him.” The meaning of this poem reflects the historical experience of resistance; an experience that has become the true faith of the leaders of the resistance and the school of the Right Front and the Islamic Resistance. As Abu Ubaydah, spokesman for Izz al-Din al-Qassam, emphasized on the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Storm: “Imaginary, deceptive, and short-term terror attacks are not the end of the Palestinian liberation movements. If these assassinations were a victory, there would have been no resistance after the assassination of Izz al-Din al-Qassam 90 years ago.”

A review of history shows that Abu Ubaidah’s words, which have been repeatedly used in other ways by resistance leaders, are not a slogan but an undeniable reality. In his message on the martyrdom of Yahya Sinwar, Ayatollah Khamenei also named Hamas leaders including Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Fathi Shaqaqi, Rantisi, and Ismail Haniyeh, emphasizing that with the martyrdom of these leaders, not only did there not come a halt, but the Palestinian cause and resistance have always progressed. For example, we can review the difficult years of 2000 to 2005, which were accompanied by the assassinations of Palestinian leaders.

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