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Friday, September 20, 2024

Yediot Aharnot: Netanyahu has been captured by Benguir and Smotrich

PNN – The Zionist newspaper “Yediot Aharnot” considered the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, “Benyamin Netanyahu” as a prisoner of “Itmar Ben Gower” and “Bazalel Smotrich” 2 ministers of his cabinet and wrote that because of their fear, Netanyahu changed his position regarding the exchange of prisoners with the resistance.

According to the report of Pakistan News Network, the Zionist newspaper Yediot Aharnot, in a report quoting a prominent official informed of the details of the current negotiations between the Israeli regime and the Hamas movement regarding the exchange of prisoners, wrote: Netanyahu is the one delaying the deal due to political pressure from Homeland Security Minister Ben Guerre and Finance Minister Smotrich.

This newspaper revealed that Netanyahu accepted the terms of the proposed agreement with the Hamas movement in limited and small meetings, but in the limited security and political cabinet meeting, due to the presence of Smotrich and Ben Guer, he made other statements and rejected the terms of the agreement.

According to the Zionist newspaper Yedioth Aharnot, Netanyahu has reconciled with Ben Gower and Smotrich; Especially since these 2 ministers have threatened the cabinet of the Israeli regime that they will resign from the cabinet if the army of this regime does not carry out a ground attack on the city of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip.

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In this connection, “Khalil al-Hiya” the deputy head of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Gaza said: Today we received the official response of the Zionist enemy regarding the new proposal for negotiations.

Al-Hiya added: The Hamas movement will investigate this proposal and will send its answer after completing the investigations.

This Hamas official added that this proposal was delivered to the Egyptian and Qatari mediators for negotiations on April 13.

Some Arab media also claimed this morning that the Hamas movement has sent the contents of the Zionist regime’s response to the new proposal to resume prisoner exchange negotiations for Yahya al-Sanwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, and other leaders of this movement outside of Palestine.

The Al-Mayadeen network reported on Sunday, quoting a senior member of the Palestinian resistance without mentioning his name, that the Hamas movement is considering the Zionist regime’s proposal in the ceasefire negotiations, but it is expected that it will be accepted if fundamental reforms are not carried out.

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