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Friday, September 20, 2024

Zionist extremists in America beheaded a Palestinian child

PNN – A 6-year-old Palestinian child was stabbed 26 times by radical Zionists in the state of Illinois, and his head was severed and his mother was seriously injured.

According to Pakistan News Network, citing Qatar’s Al Jazeera network, the American police announced that the killers committed this crime because the family was Muslim and the current events in Gaza.

The Council on American Islamic Relations also announced that the criminal murderer shouted anti-Palestinian and anti-Islamic slogans while committing the crime.

Read more:

UNRWA: Gaza is suffocating, the world has lost humanity

This council called for an end to anti-Islamism and anti-Palestinianism among American politicians and media.

This criminal Zionist targeted this innocent 6-year-old child with 26 stab wounds and hit his heart as well as his head and neck.

The question that arises is, if this had happened to a Jewish child in “Israel” or anywhere else, how would Western politicians and media have reacted.

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