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Zionist media: Do not present a nuclear bomb to Saudi Arabia.

Zionist media: Do not present a nuclear bomb to Saudi Arabia.
In an analysis, a Zionist newspaper asked the American government and the Zionist government cabinet not to agree to indigenous enrichment in Saudi Arabia as part of the compromise agreement between Riyadh and Tel Aviv.

In an analysis, a Zionist media today, referring to the possibility of agreeing to the indigenous enrichment of Saudi Arabia as part of the compromise agreement between Riyadh and Tel Aviv, asked the American government and the Zionist regime not to give nuclear bombs to Saudi Arabia.

Previously, news sources have reported that Saudi Arabia wants to receive security guarantees from the United States, receive assistance for the development of the indigenous nuclear program, and reduce restrictions on receiving American weapons in exchange for the normalization of relations with the Zionists.

The development of Saudi Arabia’s nuclear program and the enrichment of uranium in that country is a source of serious concern for the Israeli regime, but Israeli officials say that consultations are underway to reach several solutions in this regard.

The base of the Zionist newspaper “Aruts Shua” wrote in an analysis: “Netanyahu knows that the leaders of Western and Muslim countries in the Middle East come and go. “Just as Iran was once an ally of Israel, the Saudis may change direction at a moment’s notice to their long-standing anti-Israel positions.”

The analysis continues: “As has already happened in the Middle East, all it takes is one shot from one of Mohammed bin Salman’s enemies and there will be no trace of him. Even if he lives and rules for one generation, what will happen in the next generation or generations? “An anti-Israel traitor may seize power in Saudi Arabia and drive the Americans out.”

Arutsshua expressed concern about the existence of the Zionist regime in the event of such incidents and asked: “After such incidents, how long will the Jewish land last?”

One of the reasons why the Zionists are worried about the possibility of Saudi Arabia acquiring a nuclear bomb is the statements that Mohammed bin Salman made in an interview with Fox News a few weeks ago. In that interview, Bin Salman claimed that if Iran gets nuclear weapons, Saudi Arabia will get them immediately after that.

Aroutsshua wrote in this regard: “Mohammed bin Salman is not the only leader of an Arab or Muslim country who says that if his neighboring country acquires nuclear weapons, he will also join the nuclear club.” Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, also mentioned the same issue last week. Does anyone doubt that the Qataris, who managed to buy the hosting of the World Cup, will not buy bombs? “The Emiratis can easily do this.”

At the end of this analysis, the Zionist newspaper suggested to the American government that the only way to prevent a nuclear race in the Middle East is to support its allies in the West Asian region and prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

In the past years, Western countries led by the United States and the Zionist regime have accused Iran of pursuing military goals in the country’s nuclear program. Iran has strongly denied these claims.

Iran emphasizes that as one of the signatories of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has the right to access nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

In addition, inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency have visited Iran’s nuclear facilities many times but have never found any evidence that the country’s peaceful nuclear energy program has been diverted toward military purposes.

In addition, in 2015, Iran reached an agreement with the countries known as the 5+1 group to resolve tensions over its nuclear program. Despite the International Atomic Energy Agency’s acknowledgment of Iran’s adherence to all its obligations, the US government unilaterally withdrew from this agreement in May 2017.

On the other hand, the Zionist regime is the only holder of nuclear weapons in the West Asian region, and with the support of the United States, it has kept its nuclear weapons program away from international monitoring.

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